GPO Box 4509
Victoria 3001 Australia
Telephone: +61 3 9651 9999
DX 210074
Our ref: 7458
Mr Benjamin Garrett
By email:
Dear Mr Garrett,
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION - NOTICE OF DECISION – REF: 7458 I refer to your request under the
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) validly received
by the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions on 25 May 2022 seeking access to:
‘I hereby request under the Freedom of Information Act (1982) access to all
documents held by the agency in relation to the following:
(a) Requests for Cloud-seeding in Victoria to induce rainfall in another State, as
(b) Reports on rain-making operations as per the RAIN-MAKING CONTROL ACT
1967 - SECT 13’
Right of access
The FOI Act provides the public with the right of access to documents held by state government
agencies and official documents of ministers. However, in order to protect essential public
interests, for example, the privacy of individuals and certain business affairs, this right of
access does not apply to documents that are identified as exempt under the FOI Act.
The FOI Act also allows agencies and ministers to partially release documents if practicable
to do so and if the applicant would wish to access such documents.
Document search
The Agriculture group undertook a thorough and diligent search of emails, electronic files, and
ministerial correspondence databases, including archives and located no documents relating
to the terms of your request.
Complaint or review to the Victorian Information Commissioner
If you wish to complain about an aspect of how this request was processed, you may make a
submission in writing to the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner within 60 days of
the date of the action you are complaining about. For further information about the process,
please visit the Commissioner’s website
at or telephone 1300 006 842.
Please feel free to contact me by email at if you have any questions
about this decision.
Yours sincerely
Alexandra Henderson
A/Manager, Freedom of Information
Legal and Legislation
02/ 06 /2022
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